Long span shelving is used to store loose parts, Bins which can be picked manually.
Flexible and easy to assemble cost effective storage which can be optimized to meet individual needs.
Long span shelving system is Modular, depends on the products to be stored, rearranging and expansion of shelves can be easily done.
Medium and Heavy parts can also be stored.
It is cost-effective storage that offers flexibility and ease of assembly. It can be customized to suit the requirements. Rearranging and expanding the shelves is achieved without much effort.
Heavy and Medium parts can be stored.
Mostly used to store bins and loose parts that need to be picked up manually and frequently.
Benefits Of Long Span Shelving
Excellent versatility of storage.
Plastic bins, containers, cartons, pallets, and individually wrapped single items can be stored.
Manual replenishment and order picking
Simple and economical system.
An economical and simple storage system.
Suitable for storing cartons, pallets, plastic bins, single items, and containers.